Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Terrible Cross

Hello everyone! It has been sometime since my last post and I would like to apologize for this. There has been for some reason I feel an epidemic of Christians who feel it is alright to sugar coat or even take away from the truth behind what we believe. All of us at some point and time in our lives have been guilty of making our faith sound easy, regretless and even spotless. We take the blood and sing about it washing away all of our stains yet we disregard the fact that blood thickens and coats whatever it touches. We teach of the mercy and grace yet we forget about the wrath and judgement that occurred on the cross. You may be thinking that this time I have had away from blogging has turned me radical from what you have read so far but, this is far from the truth. The fact of the matter is we have grown into a culture and society that has forgotten the true nature of our faith. Yes there is grace and mercy but,   there would not of been if Christ had not payed for our sins. When we see e cross we see a beacon of hope and mercy but, what we forget is the cross is not as clean cut as what we have made it to be. Instead it's a ruthless, unmercifull, manevolent creation that came from the hands of man. The cross does not ask questions nor does it take pity. It's only use is to kill and create havoc. Our faith is not a clean one and quoting a friend of mine Rachel Haas and her blog Dramatic Elegance, I am messy and so is Jesus. We may be cloaked in white robes of righteousness but, they are stained blood red and reak of iron  so nauseatingly that we choose to cover it up with fragrances that disguise who we are. We are not clean and I refuse to act as though I am. I'm just like the tax collector, the harlot, the pagan, the adulter, the muderer, the theif, the blasphemer and all others who have offended God. The only difference is, I coated myself with the blood that drips down off of my savior on that cruel, terrible cross.

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